Holiday Gift Guide for the New Homeowner

Holiday Gift Guide for the New Homeowner

As a realtor I am surrounded by new homeowners. I love this season in a client’s life! It is full of new adventure, anticipation, and a little bit of “what have I done?!” I’m always on the look out for fun yet practical things to give to new homeowners around the holidays and year round! Here are some of my favorite things for new homeowners! And bonus, they are all on Amazon so #primeshipping!

Open Shelving Favorites from Amazon

Open Shelving Favorites from Amazon

After my last post on Rules for Open Shelving, I wanted to share some of my favorite items that fit those rules. Amazon is a great place to find matching styles and products and who can resist that Prime shipping?! Here are some of my favorite Open Shelving if you are in the process of creating your own space!