Ready for the holidays?

Sometimes knowing what to give people you love this time of year is tricky… especially for those people like you’re parents who have been around long enough to have all the things they need and even most of the things they want. Even still, I always love the opportunity this season affords to give people something to show them that I care. I hope that some of these favorites help make your holiday shopping just a bit easier. 

For Hubs and Grandpa: You can’t go wrong with the Drift air freshener. It’s perfect for the car or the house and comes in more masculine woodsy scents that are to die for. Drift even has a subscription option to receive a new one each month. And they are super affordable.

Drift Air Freshener

For Grandma or the Aunts: The family recipe book is a great way to capture all those tasty dishes that you’ll want to preserve for generations.

Family Recipe Book

For the house-loving girl friends: The fir candle, cutting/charcuterie serving board, wooden serving utensils, candle warmer and leather wall hooks are classy and versatile.

Decorative Serving Utensils

Candle Warmer

Frasier Fir Candle

Leather Wall Hooks

Wood Serving/Cutting Board

Anyone: The Alexa dot is only $22! And it’s really a great gift for anyone since it can do so many things: play music, share the weather, make calls, and more. We got the Alexa Show for the grandparents years ago so the kids can get some facetime with them any time they want and they’ve been a huge hit. Another hit for just about anyone is this chenille chunky throw blanket. It’s so cozy and warm and makes you want to curl up on the couch and enjoy winter.

Alexa Dot

Chunky Knit Throw Blanket

Hope you and your loved ones enjoy these as much as I do!
With love,